Rexon Dry Eye

Rexon Dry Eye Therapy

Springfield Lakes Eyecare is proud to announce the introduction of Rexon Dry Eye Care - the only clinically proven long-term treatment for both Dry Eye and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.

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What is a dry eye?

Dry eye is a common condition, marked by a deficiency in the quantity or quality of tears produced. It can be brought on by some medications (prescription and non-prescription), windy or hot weather, environmental allergens and irritants, infections of the eye, aging, air conditioning, computer use, diseases such as diabetes and arthritis, and other factors.

There are two main types of dry eyes:
1) Evaporative dry eye, often associated with a deficiency in the oily layer of the tears
produced by the Meibomian glands along the lower lids.
2) Aqueous deficiency, in which the production of aqueous tears by the lacrimal gland is

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms include redness and discomfort, burning, itching, grittiness, sensitivity to bright light, occasional blurring of vision, tired eyes, increased mucus, watery eyes, and sticky lids on waking.

What causes these symptoms?

Your eyes are coated with a complex, multi-layered tear film that nourishes and lubricates the eye. The tear film replenishes itself each time you blink. For sufferers of dry eye, the tear film is inadequate or fragile and breaks down before the next blink. This causes dry spots on the surface of the eyes and leads to discomfort. For chronic sufferers, there is often increased inflammation that also needs to be reduced.


What treatment is available?

Treatment for dry eye needs to be tailored to its cause and a multipronged approach works best for chronic dry eye sufferers – it all adds up!

One of the newest technologies in dry eye management is Rexon-Eye therapy. The typical treatment involves six 20-minute sessions, one week apart.  A treatment mask is placed over your closed eyes and Quantum Molecular Resonance (QMR) technology is used to stimulate and regenerate the glands responsible for producing your tear film. The treatment is pleasant and relaxing.

For more information on the treatments available or for a Dry Eye Assessment book online or call us on 07 3818 9199.